VPK Assessment Online Ordering
August 21, 2018

Florida Statute 1002.67(3) directs that each private prekindergarten provider and public school in the Voluntary Prekindergarten Education Program must implement an evidence-based pre- and post-assessment that has been approved by rule of the State Board of Education. It is required for providers to administer the Florida VPK Assessment Period 1 (AP1) and Assessment Period 3 (AP3) in order to track child development over the course of the year. Information about compliance with the VPK Assessment can be found here: Rule 6M-8.620, Florida Administrative Code.
Ordering VPK Assessment Materials
VPK Assessment materials can be ordered on the Bright Beginnings website. Below please find instructions.
The initial registration wizard can be accessed here: Bright Beginnings Register.
After completing the initial registration wizard and setting up the “center staff” and “classrooms” tabs, VPK providers may order needed VPK Assessment materials. Note: the VPK Assessment materials have not been updated therefore if you have materials from last year you are not required to order additional materials.
All VPK Assessment materials are provided at no cost to VPK providers.
VPK Assessment Help Desk
If you have questions about ordering materials contact the Florida VPK Assessment Help Desk at 1-844-545-4777. The help desk is open Monday through Thursday from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm and Friday 7:00 am to 4:00 pm EST. Assistance is available in English and Spanish.
For step by step instructions on "How to Place an Order" visit: